Success Story with DE Power, our Kohler Authorized Distributor in Ireland
Application: Data Center
3 Customers: 2 international Data Center companies and country’s largest domestic Data Center
10 generators installed and comissioned in a single week
Compatible with Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO)
Nearly 30 000 kVA of power delivered
Location: Ireland

EXPRESSION OF NEED Reliable, sustainable emergency backup for mission critical Data Center
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION Delivery, installation and commissioning of 10 generators in containers in one week
KOHLER SOLUTION Hydrotreated vegetable oil-compatible (HVO) emergency generators
KEY PROJECT FEATURES When it comes to generators for the Data Center market, Kohler Energy and its partners are leading the way:
HVO-powered generators
Excellent delivery times
Largest power node (4500Kva) currently available in the Data Center market
Direct project, design, planning and delivery
Innovative project management and problem solving

Deliver reliable power that supports net zero goals
One of the major objectives for Data Centers all around the world is to achieve net zero emissions by 2030. Using HVO renewable bio fuel reduces emissions by up to 90% and is becoming the “go to” choice for emergency power generators in the Data Center industry.
Tight schedule – and working across multiple sites
Our KOHLER Authorized Distributor in Ireland, DE Power, completed the installation and commissioning of 3 generator consignments to 3 different Data Center customers on 3 different sites – in 1 single (very busy!) week. Additional challenges included working on a small footprint, providing noise suppression and synchronization with the national grid.
HVO compatible emergency generators – and the largest power node in the Data Center market
4 x 4500Kva generators in container - Dublin
The customer required 18Mva of emergency backup power on an extremely small Data Center site. Kohler offered a bespoke solution with 4 x 4500Kva MV containerized generator sets featuring our cutting edge KD103V20 HVO-powered engines from the KD SERIES range. These 4500Kva power node generator sets meant the client could have full emergency backup power from only 4 units – reducing the footprint and saving valuable building space on site.

2 x 3100Kva containerized sets - Dublin
We provided 2 class leading, cutting edge, KD83V16 HVO-powered engines from the KD SERIES range for this customer. Kohler has been working in partnership with this client for many years throughout the EMEA region and beyond delivering multiple emergency generator power packages across many sites.

4 x 2500Kva generators in container - Co Kildare
We were proud to supply the emergency generator power package for this very prestigious Data Center project where only the best equipment from market leading manufactures is allowed on site. Kohler provided 4 x 2500Kva containerized generator sets using class leading HVO-powered engines in bespoke super silenced containers. These generator units synchronize not only with each other but also with the national grid.
Many thanks to DE Power for the excellent collaboration on these projects. We look forward to working with you on many more projects to come!